For the uninitiated the term "Kaki" literally means "Leg" in the Malaysian Language or Bahasa Malaysia. Colloquially, Kaki-Golf, refers to a person who plays (in this case, love) Golf.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lack of Etiquette

Now this interesting article on Golf Digest caught my eye.

It seems, the Swedish Golf Federation ("SGF") has banned a Swedish Golfer from playing golf, on any course in Sweden for ... 12 months! That's a whole year without golf! 

The reason for the ban? The golfer in question "hit a shot that struck someone's hand in the group in front of him." 

The golfer in appealing his sentence, reasoned that he had waited until the green had cleared before hitting the shot but the SGF upheld the penalty anyway. 

Curious just how far away the injured golfer was from the green, but serves the offender right all the same if you ask me. 

Well, there's always the driving range, simulators or playing abroad I suppose Hyuk hyuk.

Can you imagine though if such a thing happened in Malaysia? Pandemonium would erupt! 

Do you think the ban was too harsh a punishment?

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