For the uninitiated the term "Kaki" literally means "Leg" in the Malaysian Language or Bahasa Malaysia. Colloquially, Kaki-Golf, refers to a person who plays (in this case, love) Golf.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Golf GPS Devices

In this modern day and age, Global Positioning System (GPS) allows a person to navigate directions with ease. 

Now, the GPS trend has made its way onto the Golf Course too. Golf GPS devices, preloaded with golf courses. 

First there was the simple Golf GPS device, handheld but a tad bulky. Then came the 'voice' gps units, like the voice caddie and golf buddy GPS. Which is a small device you can clip to either your cap or belt. Simply click the device and it tells you the distance to the pin, the front / back of the green. Simple as that. Plus, how cool (or creepy, depending on how you see it haha) is it to have 'someone' tell you the accurate distance anywhere on the course? 

Then there are the Golf GPS watches. Press of a button or screen and it shows you the required digits. It also doubles as a normal watch. 

Although, bear in mind one of these fancy gadgets can easily cost more then RM500.00 *ouch. The Garmin S3 approach watch (which I had my eye on) for instance, costs RM1,079.00 on Lazada. 

I am quite a golf accessory nut but really couldn't justify the purchase for something I would just use once or twice a week. I would rather invest in a new wedge or a new cart-bag like the Sun Mountain C130.

The price aside, the fact that most of these devices don't have my home course (Samarahan Country Club) in their course database doesn't really encourage me either. Buying a laser range finder would probably solve that problem, but that's a topic for another day (and they range anywhere between RM800 - RM1,500 too).

Question though is whether you actually need a GPS when you play on your familiar home course or whether knowing that it's 137 meters to the pin will make a difference to your game. Probably makes more sense if you play on unfamiliar courses often or if you really want to fine tune your game.

Either way, if you are interested to try out the GPS on the golf course, but don't want to splash all that dough, why not consider a much cheaper option? by downloading a golf GPS app on your smart phone. 

It's a great idea come to think about it. Who doesn't have a smartphone now a days and most people take their phones with them on the course anyway. 

There are several options available but I decided to give FreeCaddie a try. Priced at just $3.99 for the Pro Version (available free, but with less features) I thought it was a worthwhile purchase. It's available for both Android and Apple users  too. 

Golf GPS devices / apps. It will help you with the distance but won't help find your golf ball. *cue laughter.


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